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My name is Alecia B. Samuelson.

I was an artist since my inception. Naturally gifted some might say. Art and creativity is my escape in life, it just brings me pure joy.

In wake of the Corona epidemic and losing my career, I have decided to start selling my paintings.

I also am a published Author, "Melancholy" a memoir about my life, growing up in extreme poverty, living on the streets as a youngling, experiencing a very traumatic childhood, eventually becoming like my drug addicted parents; my father the biggest drug dealer in the town I was raised in. I became an Alcoholic and turned to drugs for a mental escape; from such a harsh reality of the fallen world we call Earth.

Today I have over come PTSD( from my childhood and the Air Force), I've overcome extreme depression, Schizophrenia, OCD, severe Anxiety, Borderline personality disorder, and ADHD.

Today I am Sober and Clean, Happy, and Free!


8902 N.19TH AVE APT#2057

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